Chú thích Astyages

  1. 1 2 George Smith, Sacred Annals; Or, Researches Into the History & Religion of Mankind: The gentile nations; or, The history & religion of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Greeks & Romans; collected from ancient authors & Holy scripture & including the recent discoveries in Egyptian, Persian & Assyrian inscriptions forming a complete connexion of sacred & profane history & showing the fulfilment of sacred prophecy, trang 574
  2. Richard Ernest Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt Dupuy, The encyclopedia of military history from 3500 B.C. to the present, trang 20
  3. Astyages, Encyclopaedia Iranica
  4. Sir Isaac Newton, Larry Pierce, Marion Pierce, Newton's Revised History of Ancient Kingdoms: A Complete Chronology, trang 107
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